Wiki » Historique » Révision 6
Révision 5 (Patrice Nadeau, 2014-07-10 12:43) → Révision 6/279 (Patrice Nadeau, 2014-07-10 12:45)
{{toc}} h1. Readmine h1. Installation h2. Prérequis Wiki h2. Plugins h3. Redmine Rouge Plugin pour le "syntax highlight. "Language supporté": <pre> <code class="bash"> cd /srv/redmine/plugins git clone cd .. bundle install # Relancer redmine rcredmine restart </code> </pre> h1. Copie de securité <pre> <code class="bash"> #!/bin/bash # # # Backup of a Redmine setup # Last Changes: 2013-02-23 # Maintainer: Patrice Nadeau <> # TODO Verify the results (folder exist, enough disk pace , etc..) ## The only variable needed to be changed # Directory of the Redmine install declare -r RAIL_ROOT='/srv/redmine' # MySQL database declare -r MYSQL_DB='' # MySQL username for the Redemine db declare -r MYSQL_USER='' # MySQL password for the Redemine db declare -r MYSQL_PASSWORD='' # Directory for the backup (must exist and with no space in the name) declare -r DIR='/root' ## end # Exit level declare -ir EXIT_OK=0 declare -ir EXIT_WARNING=1 declare -ir EXIT_ERROR=2 declare -i STATUS=$EXIT_OK # The directory inside the archive declare -r REDMINE='redmine' TMP_DIR=$DIR/$REDMINE # This will be used for the archive file declare -r DST=$DIR/redmine_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).tar.gz # The temporary sql file declare -r TMP_MYSQL=$TMP_DIR/$MYSQL_DB.mysql echo "Backup in progress in $DST" #### Create the temp directory #### mkdir $TMP_DIR #### backup MySQL #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP='Creating MySQL backup' mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DB \ > $TMP_MYSQL STATUS=$? fi #### backup the Redmine folder #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP='Creating Redmine'"'"' files backup' cp --recursive $RAIL_ROOT $TMP_DIR STATUS=$? fi #### create the archive file #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP="Creating archive" tar --create --gzip --file $DST --directory=$DIR $REDMINE STATUS=$? fi #### cleanup #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP='Cleaning up' rm --recursive --force $TMP_DIR STATUS=$? fi #### exit #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then echo "Backup done" else echo "Bakup failed with error code $STATUS in step $STEP" fi exit $STATUS </code></pre>