Wiki » Historique » Révision 12
Révision 11 (Patrice Nadeau, 2014-07-20 11:44) → Révision 12/279 (Patrice Nadeau, 2014-07-20 11:46)
{{toc}} h1. Readmine h1. Installation h2. Prérequis h1. Personalisation h2. Plugins h3. Redmine Rouge Permet Plugin pour le support de langage supplémentaire pour l'affichage de la syntaxe d'un code source. "syntax highlight. "Language supporté": <pre> <code class="bash"> cd /srv/redmine/plugins git clone cd .. bundle install # Relancer redmine rcredmine restart </code> </pre> h3. redmine_codebutton Bouton permettant de sélectionner du code et d'activer la syntaxe selon un langage. >Ne fonctionne pas pour les langages supplémentaires supportées par le « plug-in » _Redmine Rouge_. Voir "ici": Installation <pre><code class="bash"> cd /srv/redmine/plugins git clone cd .. rake redmine:plugins rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production # Relancer Redmine rcredmine restart </code></pre> h3. Redmine Checklist plugin Extends issues to store checklist items Installation <pre><code class="bash"> cd /srv/redmine/plugins wget unzip bundle exec rake redmine:plugins NAME=redmine_issue_checklist RAILS_ENV=production # Relancer Redmine rcredmine restart </code></pre> Configuration Dans *Administration* * *Plugins* ** Choisir les options voulues * *Roles and permissions* ** Choisir le rôle Donner les droits voulus sur : *** Done checklist items *** Edit checklist items *** View checklist h1. Copie de securité <pre> <code class="bash"> #!/bin/bash # # # Backup of a Redmine setup # Last Changes: 2013-02-23 # Maintainer: Patrice Nadeau <> # TODO Verify the results (folder exist, enough disk pace , etc..) ## The only variable needed to be changed # Directory of the Redmine install declare -r RAIL_ROOT='/srv/redmine' # MySQL database declare -r MYSQL_DB='' # MySQL username for the Redemine db declare -r MYSQL_USER='' # MySQL password for the Redemine db declare -r MYSQL_PASSWORD='' # Directory for the backup (must exist and with no space in the name) declare -r DIR='/root' ## end # Exit level declare -ir EXIT_OK=0 declare -ir EXIT_WARNING=1 declare -ir EXIT_ERROR=2 declare -i STATUS=$EXIT_OK # The directory inside the archive declare -r REDMINE='redmine' TMP_DIR=$DIR/$REDMINE # This will be used for the archive file declare -r DST=$DIR/redmine_$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).tar.gz # The temporary sql file declare -r TMP_MYSQL=$TMP_DIR/$MYSQL_DB.mysql echo "Backup in progress in $DST" #### Create the temp directory #### mkdir $TMP_DIR #### backup MySQL #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP='Creating MySQL backup' mysqldump --user=$MYSQL_USER --password=$MYSQL_PASSWORD $MYSQL_DB \ > $TMP_MYSQL STATUS=$? fi #### backup the Redmine folder #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP='Creating Redmine'"'"' files backup' cp --recursive $RAIL_ROOT $TMP_DIR STATUS=$? fi #### create the archive file #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP="Creating archive" tar --create --gzip --file $DST --directory=$DIR $REDMINE STATUS=$? fi #### cleanup #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then STEP='Cleaning up' rm --recursive --force $TMP_DIR STATUS=$? fi #### exit #### if [ $STATUS -eq $EXIT_OK ] then echo "Backup done" else echo "Bakup failed with error code $STATUS in step $STEP" fi exit $STATUS </code></pre>